Louisiana Tax ID (EIN) Number Application | How to Apply Online

Looking to obtain your Tax ID (EIN) Number in Louisiana? This short Louisiana Tax ID Application Guide will walk you through the basic steps you need to follow to apply for your Tax ID (EIN) Number in the state of Louisiana. Whether you own a Partnership, multi-member LLC, Corporation, Non-Profit, Trust or Estate, this guide will help you learn what you need to know to obtain your official IRS Tax ID Number within minutes.
Steps to Obtain your Tax ID (EIN) Number in Louisiana:
- Prepare Required Information
- Apply for a Louisiana Tax ID Online
- Apply for a Louisiana Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax
- What Is a Louisiana State Tax ID Number?
- Do I Need a Federal EIN Number?
- How Do I Get a Louisiana State Tax ID Number?
Apply for your Tax ID (EIN) Number in Louisiana
Apply for a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Louisiana & Obtain your Tax ID in 1 Hour or less.
1. Prepare Required Information
You can start with an easy task: prepare all the information you'll need to complete your tax ID application. No matter which method you follow, you'll need to answer some important questions about your businesses, so you can save time (and stress) by gathering these pieces of information in advance:
- Names and addresses of your founding partners. First, you'll need the full legal names and full legal addresses of all founding members of your company (including yourself). These shouldn't be hard to obtain.
- Social security numbers (SSNs) of your founding partners. Next, you'll need to document all their social security numbers (SSNs) for registration and tax purposes.
- Your company name. You'll also want to choose a company name, if you haven't already. This process will register your business with the government, so it needs to be in place.
2. Apply for a Louisiana Tax ID Online
While there are several distinct methods you can use to apply for your tax ID, the best way by far is to apply for one online. Applying online is universally better than any traditional method because it's convenient, it's easy, and it will save you loads of time.
The process goes like this: you'll fill out an application online, answering a handful of questions about your business and your founding partners. Then, you'll submit the application for processing. If you've gathered all the information listed in the section above, completing the application should only take a few minutes, or certainly less than an hour.
When you're done, you'll need to wait for the application to process, but here's the greatest advantage of applying online- it should only take an hour to complete. When that hour is up, you'll receive your tax ID via email, so you can start your business as quickly as possible.
Obtain your Tax ID (EIN) Number in Louisiana
Apply for a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Louisiana & Obtain your Tax ID in 1 Hour or less.
3. Apply for a Louisiana Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax
Applying online isn't the only method available to you, however. You can also apply for a tax ID through one of several traditional methods, like phone, mail, or fax. No matter what you choose, you'll still be following roughly the same process- answering questions on the application, submitting the application, and waiting for it to process- but these methods inherently take longer, and are usually less convenient. For example, you'll apply over the phone in an interview style, and you'll apply via mail or fax by filling out a paper application manually. The worst part is the processing time- these methods can take up to 4 to 6 weeks to process.
4. What Is a Louisiana State Tax ID Number?
You may have heard reference to a Louisiana state tax ID number, and wondered whether your federal tax ID will cover you. But despite similarities in nomenclature, these are two distinct concepts- and you'll need to go through two distinct application processes to get them.
When people use the phrase "tax ID," they're most likely referring to your federal tax ID, or your employer identification number (EIN). This number applies at the federal level, and is used for a variety of functions, such as hiring employees, keeping track of federal taxes, and filling out applications.
Your Louisiana state tax ID registers your business at the state level, and while it is also a unique ID number for your business, it has a different format- so if you need both, you'll have two different ID numbers for your business.
You'll need a Louisiana state tax ID number if you plan on hiring employees in the state of Louisiana, selling taxable goods and services in Louisiana, or if you'll owe Louisiana excise taxes, which apply to certain regulated goods, like alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline.
5. Do I Need a Federal EIN Number?
Does your business really need a federal tax ID, or EIN? There is a chance your business doesn't need one, but most Louisiana businesses will.
Federal tax ID numbers are used for a variety of purposes. They're used for tax purposes, and to register your business with the federal government. You'll need one if your business has more than one member (i.e., you're a multi-member LLC, a partnership, or a corporation). You'll also need one if you're going to hire any employees.
These numbers also serve as a unique identifier, similar to how your social security number works for you as an individual. You'll need one if you're going to apply for certain types of business licenses and permits, or if you're going to open a business bank account. You'll even need one if you plan on establishing and building business credit.
6. How Do I Get a Louisiana State Tax ID Number?
Most businesses in Louisiana will end up needing both a federal tax ID and a Louisiana state tax ID. If you're interested in learning how to get your Louisiana state tax ID, you'll be pleased to know the process is highly similar to obtaining your federal tax ID, so you won't have to learn many new steps.
First, it's a good idea to have your federal tax ID number in place. If you don't yet, do that first. When applying for a state tax ID, you'll have the option of applying online or through one of several traditional methods- but as you might have guessed, filling out the application online is much faster, easier, and more convenient. You'll answer a few questions about your business, then wait for your application to process. Unfortunately, even though online applications are much faster, you may still need to wait a few days to a few weeks to get your state tax ID, since the processing is different. It's still a much faster method than trying to apply via one of the more traditional methods.
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