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Cómo obtener una prórroga fiscal

How to Get a Tax Extension

Principales conclusiones

  • The IRS allows you to request an additional 6 months to file your income tax return by submitting Form 4868 (Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return).
  • Approval for the extension is usually automatic, provided that you submit Form 4868 by April 15.
  • Being approved for an income tax return extension does not give you extra time to pay for your taxes too; failing to do so will lead to penalties.
  • Your extension request can be denied if you make misspellings or numerical errors while filling out Form 4868.
  • If your tax extension was rejected, you have a 5-day grace period (until April 20, 11:59 PM) to resubmit or mail your extension form.

Ha llegado la primavera y el 15 de abril estará aquí antes de que nos demos cuenta, pero muchos de nosotros no estaremos listos para presentar nuestra declaración de la renta en menos de un mes.

Thankfully, the IRS allows taxpayers to request an extension of time to file, as long as the request is received by the original filing deadline (April 15). In this article, we’ll go over how to get a tax extension and how to handle your new deadline.


> Get a Personal Tax Extension

Tax Extensions: Everything You Need To Know

Hay algunas cosas importantes que debe saber extensiones fiscales before relying on one to postpone your filing obligations. We checked in with some tax experts to find out what to do if you need a tax extension, and how to file an application. Here are their answers:

¿Es posible que alguien consiga una prórroga fiscal? ¿Incluso yo?

Yes, it is true — anyone can get a tax extension. Even you!

Mark Luscombe, analista principal de CCH (una empresa de Wolters Kluwer) dice: "Puede obtener una prórroga automática de seis meses para presentar su declaración federal de la renta presentando un Formulario 4868 (Solicitud de Prórroga Automática del Plazo para Presentar la Declaración del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas de los EE.UU.) antes de la fecha de vencimiento de la declaración de la renta, el 15 de abril".

However, Luscombe cautions, you must remember that “this is an extension to file the return, not an extension to pay the taxes due.”

When you submit Formulario 4868 del IRS, you should estimate how much you owe for that tax year (this is where some professional help goes a long way) and include payment for any taxes due to avoid interest, penalties, and late fees which will otherwise accumulate until your return is filed.

Tax Form 4868 is called “Automatic Extension” because all you need to do is submit Tax Form 4868 (in lieu of your income tax return) by the April 15 deadline and the IRS will automatically grant you an extension of time to file. You do not need to do anything else to get a tax extension.

extensión fiscal

¿Cuánto dura una prórroga fiscal?

A Federal income tax extension is good for six months, which extends your filing deadline from April 15 to Oct. 15. But remember, you still have to pay your taxes on time.

¿Cuáles son los primeros pasos que debo dar para obtener una prórroga fiscal?

Como con cualquier asunto fiscal, siempre es mejor tomar medidas lo antes posible. Hay un límite de tiempo para solicitar una prórroga fiscal, por lo que debe ser consciente de su situación personal para determinar si necesita un prórroga del plazo de presentación.

“If you are already feeling like you may need an extension to file or could have difficulty paying the amount owed in April, it’s best to act early,” says Niall Wells, CFO of Planwise, an online budgeting tool. “Prepare yourself mentally by taking some time to understand your situation, seek the advice of a professional or contact the IRS.”

Una vez que haya decidido que desea solicitar una prórroga fiscal, tendrá que elegir un método para solicitarla.

Actualmente existen tres formas de obtener una prórroga fiscal:

  • Electronically file (e-file) Formulario de impuestos 4868 en línea
  • File a paper Tax Form 4868 by mail
  • Pay all or part of your income tax due (what you expect to owe) with your credit card or debit card using the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)

Se recomienda que lea las instrucciones del formulario 4868 antes de presentarlo para asegurarse de que entiende los detalles del formulario.


¿Es buena idea solicitar una prórroga? ¿O es mejor presentarla normalmente si puedo?

Well, it depends on your situation, but we believe that it’s generally better to file an “extended” tax return than a poorly-made or inaccurate tax return. You might also ask yourself what the point of asking for an extension is if you still have to pay your taxes on time.

Well, the extension is better used for people who, for whatever reason, can’t file an accurate tax return with all the deductions and other adjustments that apply to them; in such a case, it’s better to ask for the extension, pay an overestimation of what your final tax liability will be, then file a return as soon as possible once you feel more confident about your documentation.

"Las prórrogas permiten a los contribuyentes reunir toda la información necesaria para presentar a tiempo una declaración completa y exacta sin que se les imponga una multa por presentación tardía", explica Ron Michelson, contable de Fiske & Co.

“Some people use the extension to procrastinate and would just rather not file their return until the extended due date in October.

The most important point is to make sure that the taxpayer needs to estimate the tax they owe as best as they can, to avoid waiting until October and then getting hit with late filing penalties going back to April.”

As you can see, just because the extension allows you to file until October 15 doesn’t mean that you have to do so until then to do so. An extra month should be enough to gather all the information you were missing to file a return without incurring in excessive penalties if you ended up underpaying on April.

¿Y si estoy en el ejército o trabajando en el extranjero, y no hay manera de que pueda presentar mi declaración de impuestos o una prórroga fiscal a tiempo?

“Special rules apply for those that are outside of the U.S. or serving in a combat zone,” says Niall Wells, CFO of Planwise. “It is important to note that even if your extension for filing is granted, this does not extend your time to pay any amounts owing, and you may still incur interest and penalties if you do not remit the amounts payable by the April deadline.”

READ: How to File a Tax Extension If You’re In the Military

Esto significa que es crucial que planifique con antelación y gestione sus finanzas en consecuencia. Si no presenta su declaración de la renta a tiempo y no solicita una prórroga antes del 15 de abril, los recargos e intereses de demora serán "cuantiosos", advierte Wells.

"Afortunadamente, existen opciones para pagar a plazos, aunque esto puede seguir acumulando intereses y sanciones", dice.

¿Quién suele solicitar una prórroga fiscal?

In most cases, individuals applying for an extension are those who have complicated financial situations and need more time to assemble their tax return. Tax extensions are usually requested by people and empresas que no tengan toda la información lista para presentar antes del 15 de abril.

"Por ejemplo, muy a menudo los contribuyentes que han invertido en sociedades o corporaciones S no reciben sus K-1 de estas entidades hasta después de la fecha original de vencimiento del 15 de abril. Las declaraciones de estas entidades no vencen hasta el 15 de septiembre, con prórrogas", dice Ron Michelson, CPA de Fiske & Co. CPA.

Bien, estoy listo para solicitar una prórroga fiscal. ¿Qué tengo que hacer?

Recuerde que un extensión de impuestos le da más tiempo para presentar su declaración de la renta, pero no amplía el plazo para pagar los impuestos que debe de ese año. Siempre se espera que usted pague su impuesto sobre la renta al IRS a tiempo o de lo contrario se le cobrarán cargos por mora, multas e intereses. Esto significa que debe saber cuántos impuestos debe y estar preparado para presentar el pago antes del 15 de abril, solicite o no una prórroga fiscal.

“The first step in requesting an extension is to estimate your tax for the year based on the information that you have at the time of the extension,” says Ron Michelson, a CPA with Fiske & Co.

“If the IRS determines you made no attempt to estimate your tax for the extension, the extension could be disallowed which could result in late filing penalties.”

Hay 3 maneras diferentes que usted puede elegir para solicitar una prórroga para presentar - usted puede e-file Formulario de Impuestos 4868 en línea, presentar un formulario en papel 4868 por correo, o utilizar EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) para pagar la totalidad o parte de su impuesto sobre la renta adeudado con su tarjeta de crédito / débito. Considere todas sus opciones y elija el método que más le convenga.

Si obtengo una prórroga fiscal, ¿estoy sujeto a un aumento de los intereses o a retrasos en los pagos?

“When you make an extension you are extending the filing due date of the return,” says Ron Michelson, a CPA with Fiske & Co. “Although you are not required to make a payment of the taxes you estimate are due, Form 4868 does not extend the time to pay taxes."

He adds, “If you do not pay the taxes that you owe, in general interest and penalties will be charged on any underpayment.” That is because even if you estimate your tax liability and pay, coming up short on it means getting penalties added on the missing amount.

For example, say that you estimated and paid $10,000 in taxes but your actual liability is $12,000; that means you owe $2,000 in missing taxes plus however many extra months it takes you to file your return in interest.

Para los contribuyentes que no puedan pagar la totalidad de los impuestos que adeudan antes de la fecha límite del 15 de abril, el IRS ofrece algunos opciones de pago (como un acuerdo de pago a plazos).

extensión fiscal

Filing A Tax Return Extension: FAQ

1. What is a tax return extension?

Getting an extension for your tax return means that the due date for submitting your federal income tax return is postponed by six months. Essentially, for a regular taxpayer, this means the deadline moves from April 15 (Tax Day) to October 15 of the same year.

2. Does getting a tax return extension means I can pay my taxes late too?

No. An extension only gives you more time to archivo a tax return, not more time to pay any taxes owed. If you want to avoid penalties if you filed for an extension, you should estimate your federal taxes and pay them by the due date.

3. How do I file for a tax return extension?

You have to submit Form 4868 ((Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return) to the IRS if you want an extension to file your federal return. You have the option to do it electronically through the IRS Free File System or using your tax software of choice. It can also be done through snail mail with a paper form.

4. Can anyone qualify for an extension?

Most taxpayers qualify for an extension just by submitting Form 4868 to the IRS before April 15. Also, taxpayers living abroad usually get an automatic extension without needing to file any forms previously.

5. Does the IRS send confirmation for approved extension requests?

People who file for an extension electronically will receive confirmation from the IRS when their extension is approved. Those who apply through regular mail won’t receive confirmation if their application is approved, but will be contacted in case the IRS denies their request. In both cases, approval is usually automatic if the information on the form is correct and submitted on time.

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