The IRS offers ten different ways to pay your taxes, from mailing a check to paying online, so there’s always a method that suits your needs and lifestyle.
If you use tax preparation software (or the help of a tax professional and even the IRS Free File tool) you can use your debit card to pay your taxes through Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW).
You can even pay your tax bill using cash at selected retail stores nationwide, or at your local IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TAC).
If you cannot make the April 15 deadline for filing or paying your taxes, you can ask for an extension to file (until October 15 of the same year) or an installment plan for your tax payments.
Hacienda pondrá en starts conversations with taxpayers through email, social media, or text messages. If you receive a message through those channels, it’s most likely a scam.
Can I pay my taxes online? That’s a question that we run into all the time. Individuals have many different options for paying their federal income taxes. You can pay electronically (online) with a credit card, debit card, or e-check (electronic check). Or you can pay your taxes by paper mail with a check, money order, or cashier’s check. Additionally, if you wish to pay in cash, there is an option for that as well.
Opciones de pago electrónico
Las opciones de pago electrónico ofrecen a los contribuyentes la oportunidad de pagar sus impuestos en línea, como alternativa al envío de cheques o giros postales. Los pagos en línea pueden realizarse 24 horas al día y 7 siete días a la semana. Además, estas opciones de pago electrónico son seguras y fáciles de usar.
Individuals who are using IRS e-file to file their tax return can authorize a payment through Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW), use a debit or credit card, or enroll in the U.S. Treasury’s Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). Both the EFW and the EFTPS options are free of charge.
Payments by Check, Money Order, or Cashier’s Check
If you are making a tax payment by check, money order, or cashier’s check, be sure that it’s made payable to the ‘United States Treasury’ (or ‘U.S. Treasury’). Write your Social Security Number (or Employer Identification Number), the tax period, and the related tax form number on your check or money order. Finally, make sure to mail the payment to the correct address, as listed on your tax notice or tax form instructions.
Pagos en efectivo
Tenga en cuenta que los pagos en efectivo sólo pueden hacerse en persona en una oficina local del IRS - ¡no envíe un pago en efectivo de sus impuestos por correo! Puede revisar el sitio web del IRS para conocer las locaciones de las oficinas en todo el país.
Pagos atrasados
Tanto si está presentando la declaración fuera de la fecha límite como si está pagando más tarde, el IRS aconseja a los contribuyentes que paguen la totalidad de lo que deben. Siempre es recomendable que pague tanto de lo que debe como pueda, y tan pronto como pueda. Cuanto más espere, más cuotas e intereses de demora se pueden acumular.
According to the IRS, ‘If taxes are not paid, and no effort is made to pay them, the IRS can ask a taxpayer to take action to pay the taxes, such as selling or mortgaging any assets owned or getting a loan. If effort is still not made to pay the bill, or make other payment arrangements, the IRS could also take more serious enforced collection action, such as levying bank accounts, wages, or other income, or taking other assets. A Notice of Federal Tax Lien could be filed that may have a detrimental effect on a taxpayer’s credit standing.’
Penalizaciones, cuotas de demora y recargos por intereses de demora
If you don’t pay your income taxes by the deadline (typically April 15th), the IRS will most likely assess a le imponga una penalización por pago tardío y cargos por intereses que se acumulan cada mes que sus impuestos permanecen impagados.
The ‘late payment penalty’ is usually 0.5% of the unpaid taxes, assessed on a monthly basis. For example, if you have $2,000.00 in unpaid taxes, the IRS may charge you $10.00 per month as a late payment penalty: $2,000.00 x 0.5% = $10.00
If you haven’t paid your balance by the time your tax return is due, you will begin to accumulate ‘interest charges’ on your outstanding balance. This interest is typically assessed at 5.0% annually on your balance.
For example: If you filed a tax extension but did not pay the taxes due, you will be charged 5.0% interest annually (or 0.4% interest monthly) on your outstanding balance. Using numbers from the example above, let’s assume $10.00 per month in late payment penalties. Add to that your monthly interest charge of 0.4%, which is about $8.00 per month in interest: $2,000.00 x 0.4% = $8.00
Planes de pago de Hacienda
Si no puede pagar el monto total que debe con su declaración de impuestos sobre los ingresos, puede preguntar al IRS si le permitirán hacer pagos a plazos parciales mensuales por el monto total o por un monto parcial. Sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que se le cobrarán intereses y también posiblemente una penalización por pago tardío sobre el impuesto no pagado en la fecha en que debe presentarse su declaración, incluso si se le concede su solicitud de pago a plazos.
Si el IRS le concede su solicitud de plan de pago, también deberá pagar una cuota. Para limitar los cargos por intereses y penalizaciones, intente pagar la mayor parte posible del impuesto con su declaración de impuestos. Pero antes de solicitar un acuerdo de pago a plazos, puede considerar otras alternativas menos costosas, como un préstamo bancario.
Para solicitar un acuerdo de pago a plazos, utilice el Formulario de Impuestos 9465, conocido como Solicitud de Acuerdo de Pago a Plazos. You should receive a response to your request within 30 days. You can also apply online for a payment agreement. To do that, go to the IRS website and use the pull-down menu under ‘I need to . . .’ and select ‘Set Up a Payment Plan.’
Cómo funciona un acuerdo de pago a plazos
The IRS will usually let you know within 30 days after receiving your request whether it is approved or denied. However, if your request is for tax due on a return you filed after March 31, it may take longer than 30 days to reply. If The IRS approves your payment plan request, they will send you a notice detailing the terms of your agreement and requesting a fee of $105 (or $52 if you make your payments by electronic funds withdrawal).
However, you may qualify to pay a reduced fee of $43 if your income is below a certain level. The IRS will let you know whether you are eligible for the reduced fee. If the IRS does not say you qualify for the reduced fee, you can request the reduced fee using Tax Form 13844 (Application for Reduced User Fee for Installment Agreements).
Al aprobar su solicitud, el IRS se compromete a permitirle pagar los impuestos que debe en pagos mensuales (en lugar de pagar inmediatamente el monto total). A cambio, usted se compromete a realizar sus pagos mensuales puntualmente. También está aceptando hacer frente a todas sus deudas de impuestos futuras. Esto significa
By approving your request, the IRS agrees to let you pay the tax you owe in monthly installments (instead of immediately paying the amount in full). In return, you are agreeing to make your monthly payments on time. You are also agreeing to meet all your future tax liabilities. This means that you must have enough withholding or estimated tax payments so that your income tax liability for future years is paid in-full when you timely file your return.
Your request for an installment agreement will be denied if all required tax returns have not been filed. Any tax refund due you in a future year will be applied against the amount you owe. If your tax refund is applied to your W, you are still required to make your regular monthly installment payment.
Métodos de pagos a plazos
Puede hacer sus pagos con cheque, orden de dinero, tarjeta de crédito o con otro método de pago. Después de que el IRS reciba cada pago, le enviará un aviso mostrando el monto restante que debe, y la fecha límite y el monto de su próximo pago. Sin embargo, si elige que sus pagos se retiren automáticamente de su cuenta bancaria, no recibirá estos avisos por correo.
Keep in mind, your bank statement is your record of payment. The IRS will also send you an annual statement showing the amount you owed at the beginning of the year, all payments made during the year, and the amount you owe at the end of the year.
If you do not make your payments on time, or you do not pay any balance due on a return you file later, you will be considered ‘in default’ on your installment agreement and the IRS may take action against you ? such as filing of a ‘Notice of Federal Tax Lien’ or an IRS levy action ? to collect the entire amount you owe. To ensure that your payments are made in a timely manner, you should consider making them by electronic funds withdrawal.
Making A Payment With Your Tax Extension
Antes de completar su solicitud de prórroga fiscal, recuerde este hecho importante: una extensión fiscal le da más tiempo para presentar su declaración de impuestos sobre los ingresos (por ejemplo, el Formulario 1040), pero no le da más tiempo para pagar cualquier impuesto que deba al IRS. Así que si debe dinero al IRS, se espera que pague ese monto completo antes de la fecha límite original (normalmente el 15 de abril) o de lo contrario puede estar sujeto a penalizaciones y cuotas por retraso.
Hay varias formas de realizar los pagos con su extensión de impuestos. He aquí un resumen de las principales opciones de pago:
Pago por retiro electrónico de fondos (EFW)
If you e-file taxes online, using your personal computer or through a tax extension professional (like FileLater), you can make a payment by authorizing an Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) directly from your bank account. Make sure to check with your financial institution to confirm that an electronic funds withdrawal is allowed, and to obtain the correct routing and account numbers.
If you owe income tax and wish to have the money electronically withdrawn from your bank account, you will be asked to agree to the following declaration:
“I authorize the U.S. Treasury and its designated Financial Agent to initiate an ACH electronic funds withdrawal entry to the financial institution account indicated for payment of my federal taxes and the financial institution to debit the entry to this account. To revoke a payment, I must contact the U.S. Treasury Financial Agent at 1-888-353-4537 no later than 2 business days prior to the payment (settlement) date.
I also authorize the financial institutions involved in the processing of the electronic payment of taxes to receive confidential information necessary to answer inquiries and resolve issues related to the payment.”
The EFW payment option allows taxpayers to e-file their 4868 Form online and simultaneously ‘e-pay’ the tax that they owe. You will receive a written copy of the EFW payment authorization once you complete the transaction. It is important to keep this for your records. If you e-file your tax extension, do not send in a paper Form 4868.
Pago con tarjeta de crédito
Puede solicitar una extensión fiscal pagando (parte o la totalidad) de sus impuestos sobre los ingresos con tarjeta de crédito. Para pagar con tarjeta de crédito, tendrá que pasar por un proveedor de servicios aprobado por el IRS ? Link2Gov Corporation, RBS WorldPay u Official Payments Corporation. Los números de teléfono y los sitios de los proveedores de servicios están disponibles en el sitio web del IRS.
You can use your American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard®, or Visa® credit card. A convenience fee will be charged by the service provider based on the amount you are paying. Note that fees may vary among the providers.
You will be told what the fee is during the payment process, and you will have the option to either continue or cancel the transaction. You can also find out the fee amount be by calling the service provider’s customer service number or by visiting their website. Do not add the convenience fee onto your tax payment.
Cuando realice un pago de extensión de impuestos con tarjeta de crédito, recibirá un número de confirmación. Asegúrese de guardar este número para sus archivos.
Pago por cheque u orden de dinero
When paying by check or money order, mail your payment with Tax Form 4868 to the appropriate address (listed on the Instructions for Form 4868). Make your check or money order payable to the “United States Treasury” and DO NOT SEND CASH. Also don’t forget to write your Social Security Number, daytime phone number, and the words “2011 Form 4868” on your check or money order.
Do not staple or attach your payment to Tax Form 4868. Additionally, if you e-file Form 4868 online and mail a check or money order to the IRS for tax payment, use a completed paper Form 4868 as a payment voucher.
Paying Your Taxes With A Check: Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I pay my taxes with a check?
Yes, you can pay your tax liability with a check or money order. Be warned, however, that even the IRS themselves suggest that you try using their electronic payment methods on their own website.
2. Who should the check be made payable to?
Your check or money order should be made payable to “United States Treasury”. Remember to avoid using any abbreviations or acronyms such as “IRS” or “USA” at all.
3. What information should be included in the check?
All the following details should be included on the memo line of your check:
Your Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN).
The tax year your check corresponds to.
The tax form number you used to file your tax return (like the 1040, 941, etc.) This is to make sure the IRS credits the payment you’re issuing correctly.
4. How do I fill out the check without mistakes?
Here are some tips that will help you avoid some of the most common mistakes people make when paying their taxes with a check.
Write the date in the upper-right corner using the MM/DD/YYYY format.
Check should be made out to “United States Treasury”, not “IRS” or “Internal Revenue Service”, etc.
Write the amount you’re paying in both numerical and written form.
Sign the check on the signature line (you’d be surprised at how many checks bounce because of a misplaced signature).
5. Where should I send the check?
Your check should be mailed to the IRS address listed on your tax form (or notice, if you were contacted by the IRS). This address will vary depending on your location and what type of tax form you’re using.
6. Can I make multiple payments with a lump sum using a single check?
It’s recommended that you don’t use a single check as payment if you have multiple tax obligations. A combined payment can lead to misallocated funds and slow the processing of your check; instead, write separate checks for each different payment you have to do.
Nick Charveron
Nick Charveron is a licensed tax practitioner and Partner & Co-Founder of Community Tax, LLC. As an Enrolled Agent, the highest tax credential issued by the U.S. Department of Treasury, Nick has unrestricted practice rights before the IRS. He earned his Bachelor of Science from Southern Illinois University while serving with the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard and interning at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland. Based in Chicago, Nick combines his passion for finance and real estate with expertise in tax and accounting to help clients navigate complex financial challenges.