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Tax Preparation

Income Tax Extensions Explained

Nearly everyone knows that April 15 is the deadline for submitting tax returns in the United States. Although some entities may need to file before…

Who Has To File A Tax Return

How to Determine If You Need to File a Tax Return With the IRS Are you wondering if you need to file a tax return?…

6 Tips to Help You Avoid an IRS Tax Audit

Although the IRS only audits about 1.1% of the over 140 million returns it receives each year, for those people who do receive an audit…

The Complete Guide to the Standard Deduction

Unlike itemizing deductions, which lets you pick and choose which expenses get deducted from your taxable income, the standard deduction is a set amount of…

Top Options for E-Filing Your Tax Return

Roughly one in three Americans files their own taxes online, rather than using a professional tax preparer. If you're going to file electronically, there are…

Where To Go If You Need Tax Help

Know Your Options for Tax Preparation Assistance Are you looking for an expert to help you with your income tax return? When it comes to…

Tax Tips for Independent Contractors

Information for Self-Employed Persons   For Federal income tax purposes, it is important to know whether you are an employee or an independent contractor. Employee…

7 Facts About Miscellaneous Deductions

Tips for Claiming Miscellaneous Deductions on Your Income Tax Return   Itemizing your deductions (as opposed to claiming the standard deduction) means that you may…