Tools & Forms
In today's world of electronic streamlining and technological advances, there is an app for everything and the IRS is no exception. The IRS2Go App allows…
File a Business Tax Extension Online
Business Taxes Are Due Tuesday, March 15, 2016 The IRS allows both individuals and businesses to file for a tax extension, which gives you…
Tax Preparation Checklist
What You Need to File Your Taxes in 2022 Preparing your tax return requires a lot of information, so it’s a great idea to have…
Should You Itemize Your Deductions?
Tax Tips for Claiming Itemizing Deductions vs. the Standard Deduction When you are filing your 1040 tax return, right before you compute your final taxable income, you…
IRS Warning About Tax Scams for 2021
The Annual “Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams List The IRS announced its "Dirty Dozen" list for 2021 with a warning for taxpayers, tax professionals, and financial…