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Tax Strategies

What to do if you missed the tax day deadline

If you miss tax deadline, filing for an extension will buy you six months   Doing your taxes feels as fun as a trip to…

Why people are just now filing their taxes and getting away with it

October 15, 2013 will be the second tax day of the year. It is the deadline for those taxpayers who successfully filed for an extension…

How does a parent know whether to pay a gift tax this year?

For most parents, gift taxes are not even on the radar screen while their child is enrolled in high school. But college can change everything.…

Tax advantages of a 529 college-savings plan

Make the right investment decision to finance your children's higher education.Considering the rising cost of education, the earlier you start your college savings plan, the…

7 recent tax fraud schemes used by identity thieves

As we increasingly rely on E-filing tax returns, we increase the efficiency of IRS operations and our convenience. We also strip away some crucial layers…

2 tax benefits self-employed professionals should know about

Undoubtedly the two biggest benefits of having an employer are health insurance and retirement plans, right? Wrong. Both of these pricey items are covered when…

Tax Credit vs Deduction

Use Tax Breaks to Lower Your IRS Bill As you probably know, tax credits and tax deductions can help reduce your overall income tax liability.…

Temporary employee and independent contractor tax issues

How do temp employees file their taxes, and how do you know when you are an independent contractor?   The economy might be improving, but…