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Tax Strategies

Tax prep: Records you need to gather now to file next year

Any job is easier when you have the right tools. When it comes to filing your income taxes, the right tools include the paperwork that…

Tax tips for the end of the year

While you may be focused on hunting holiday presents, this is the time of year when you need to be thinking about the April 15…

How to make the most of charitable tax breaks

When megastorm Sandy devastated parts of the Northeast, people raced to help: They donated money by text and credit card, scoured their closets for items…

What if I don’t have the money to pay the IRS for back taxes?

The IRS is aware that taxpayers continue to struggle five years after the U.S. economy sunk into recession. The slow recovery means that many people…

Q&A: What is using cash value life insurance for retirement savings?

One of the more popular uses for cash value life insurance is to save for your retirement. Cash value life insurance refers to a wide…

Q&A: What is tax-planning with life insurance?

Life insurance can help you achieve various goals. Tax planning with life insurance involves minimizing the tax consequences of your life insurance decisions. Tax planning…

Q&A: What is a life insurance trust and why should I consider establishing one?

A life insurance trust is a trust that has the power to purchase life insurance policies on the person who establishes the trust (the grantor),…

Tips For E-Filing Taxes Online For Free

There is a lot that you need to know if you are going to e-file your taxes online.One detail that you don’t want to overlook…