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Tax Strategies

Make those contributions now

Make the miracle of tax-free compounding work for you.   NEW YORK (MainStreet) — Are you planning to make a contribution to your traditional or…

The tax implications of changing jobs

There are many factors involved in changing your job, such as adapting to new working conditions, making a new budget, and updating your tax strategy.…

Tax help for military service members

There are many challenges that come with serving in the military, but worrying about managing your taxes shouldn’t be one of them. Fortunately, there is…

How to file tax extensions in Alabama

Alabama residents are granted an automatic six-month extension if they cannot file on time. However, they must send in payments if they owe them with…

Considering an extension on your taxes? Your questions answered

Filing an extension isn't difficult ' but there are deadlines to meetEven though the eggnog is still warm, the truth is that April 15 will…

Tax prep: Records you need to gather now to file next year

Any job is easier when you have the right tools. When it comes to filing your income taxes, the right tools include the paperwork that…

Tax tips for the end of the year

While you may be focused on hunting holiday presents, this is the time of year when you need to be thinking about the April 15…

How to make the most of charitable tax breaks

When megastorm Sandy devastated parts of the Northeast, people raced to help: They donated money by text and credit card, scoured their closets for items…