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Tax Strategies

Understanding and establishing ‘Material Participation’ for tax purposes

When it comes to your income taxes, U.S. tax law makes a distinction between different types of income — including income from passive investments and…

Special rules for deducting moving expenses

There are many costs associated with moving and they can really add up fast. Fortunately, if you are moving because of a new job, or…

What is mortgage forgiveness?

The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 can help homeowners in foreclosure or short sale situations   The current housing market is full of foreclosed…

Can I claim a home office tax deduction?

If you use part of your home for business, you may be able to benefit from the home office tax deduction. This tax help can…

Is It Worth It To Itemize Your Taxes

While the U.S. tax code is rife with loopholes, few people take advantage of them. Only about a third of taxpayers itemize their deductions, according…

Make those contributions now

Make the miracle of tax-free compounding work for you.   NEW YORK (MainStreet) — Are you planning to make a contribution to your traditional or…

The tax implications of changing jobs

There are many factors involved in changing your job, such as adapting to new working conditions, making a new budget, and updating your tax strategy.…

Tax help for military service members

There are many challenges that come with serving in the military, but worrying about managing your taxes shouldn’t be one of them. Fortunately, there is…