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Tax News

A tax strategy for all seasons

Just when you may have thought that federal tax policy was set - that January's "fiscal cliff" deal meant you could go about your financial…

Money Coach: Do you suffer from taxpayer anxiety disorder?

Are you happy and relieved that April 15 has come and gone? I am! I love tax day, but that wasn’t always true for me.…

IRS weighs changes to Obama healthcare investment tax rules

Businesses and wealthy owners of estates and trusts asked the IRS on Tuesday for changes to a part of President Barack Obama's 2010 healthcare law…

Smart move: Deduct your relocation expenses

Did you move for a job last year? You may be entitled to a deduction for your unreimbursed moving expenses.NEW YORK (MainStreet) — Did you…

Nine tax breaks you’re probably missing

The U.S. tax code clocked in at more than 73,000 pages last year. Here's what's hiding inside.   NEW YORK (MainStreet) — The tug of…

Do I need my babysitter’s Social Security number?

Mary Poppins might play hard ball if you ask for her social. Here's a spoonful of tax advice to help you get her on the…

How to avoid getting audited

The IRS has been stepping up its efforts to ensure that Americans are accurately reporting the taxes they owe. This means that the IRS is…

Tax-free Coverdell savings accounts saved by Congress

Coverdell education savings accounts have never really drawn many headlines, even when unexpectedly saved from extinction as part of Washington's "fiscal cliff" deal.Much like the…