Tax News

IRS Delays Start Date of Filing Season: February 12, 2021
The 2021 Tax Filing Season Will Begin on Feb. 12 for Filing 2020 Income Tax Returns While the tax filing season usually starts in late…
IRS Sets “National EIP Registration Day” To Help Non-Filers Get Stimulus Checks
Register on the IRS Website for Your Economic Impact Payment (EIP) The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (a.k.a. CARES Act) was signed into…
IRS Mails Letters About COVID-19 Stimulus Checks
State-By-State Breakdown of Non-Filers Who Will Receive IRS Letters About Economic Impact Payments The IRS has released a state-by-state breakdown of the nearly 9 million…
IRS Reopens Registration Period for Economic Impact Payments
The IRS Is Taking New Steps to Ensure People Get Their COVID-19 Payments The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced that it has established a…
IRS extends upcoming deadlines, provides tax relief for victims of Hurricane Florence
IRS Issue Number IR-2018-187 WASHINGTON — Hurricane Florence victims in parts of North Carolina and elsewhere have until Jan. 31, 2019, to file certain individual…
E-File is Now Open: File Your Taxes Early For a Faster Return
The tax season officially begins at the end of January, as the IRS is now accepting e-filed tax returns. It’s common for taxpayers to keep…