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Tax Deductions

Tax deduction for moving expenses

Moving to a new home involves a lot of planning and work, and it can be costly as well. If you are moving because you…

Can I claim a home office tax deduction?

If you use part of your home for business, you may be able to benefit from the home office tax deduction. This tax help can…

The tax implications of changing jobs

There are many factors involved in changing your job, such as adapting to new working conditions, making a new budget, and updating your tax strategy.…

How to file tax extensions in Kentucky

The filing due date for residents of the Bluegrass State income tax returns is April 15.The Kentucky Department of Revenue will automatically grant you a…

Tax prep: Records you need to gather now to file next year

Any job is easier when you have the right tools. When it comes to filing your income taxes, the right tools include the paperwork that…

Tax tips for the end of the year

While you may be focused on hunting holiday presents, this is the time of year when you need to be thinking about the April 15…

Tax Credits

What Are Tax Credits & How Do They Lower Your Tax Bill? Tax credits can help reduce your liability dollar-for-dollar. That being said, they generally…

How to Calculate a Rough Estimate of Your Federal Tax Refund Status

Wouldn't it be nice to know how much you are going to get from the IRS come tax time? It would certainly help when figuring…