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Tax Deductions

2 tax benefits self-employed professionals should know about

Undoubtedly the two biggest benefits of having an employer are health insurance and retirement plans, right? Wrong. Both of these pricey items are covered when…

Tax Credit vs Deduction

Use Tax Breaks to Lower Your IRS Bill As you probably know, tax credits and tax deductions can help reduce your overall income tax liability.…

Types Of Tax Deductions

An Overview of Tax Deductions & How to Claim Them on Your Return With the ever-changing tax laws and the temporary nature of most tax…

IRS record-keeping rule: What receipts to save in substantiating charitable donations

A fairly recent record-keeping rule has been a surprise for many audited taxpayers. The IRS has tightened up a number of taxpayer loopholes in the…

Take advantage of tax deductions for business travel and entertainment

When entertaining clients or traveling on business, you may be eligible for Federal income tax deductions on a portion of your expenses that are not…

You can deduct your job-seeking expenses

NEW YORK (MainStreet) — Were you unemployed in 2012 and looking for work? If you itemize, you can deduct job search expenses to look for…

Deduct your job-related expenses

You can get more mileage out of your salary by deducting these work-related expenses.NEW YORK (MainStreet) — If you can itemize, you can deduct as…

Deduct your state unemployment and disability contributions

Residents of seven states have to look out for this.NEW YORK (MainStreet) — Most taxpayers are aware that state and local income taxes are deductible…