Tax Calculators

Calculate your self-employment tax
Working for yourself can mean freedom from the bureaucracy of a big corporation or escaping an overbearing boss, but it won’t let you off the…
Determining Your Tax-Equivalent Yield
If you are like most people, you probably need to learn more about tax-equivalent yields. This may be true even if you are a wise…
Tax-Deferred vs. Tax-Free Investments
When investing your money it is essential to be fully aware of the tax implications. Investments are taxed differently, and you need to do what…
Deducting Investment Interest
Over the years, many new types of investment vehicles have emerged. The good news is that the interest paid on money used to generate income…
The Tax Implications of Paying Interest
Add up the interest you're shelling out each month, and by years' end you might be shocked at how big a bite it takes out…
The Standard Deduction vs. Itemized Deductions
What’s the Difference & What Can You Claim on Your Tax Return? Ah, things were much simpler when you were young. When it was time to file…
Tax Calculators
Online tax calculators are helpful tools for anyone looking to compute their tax liability, estimate their tax refund, or simply better manage their finances. While…