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Federal Tax Returns

Tax Tips for Retired Persons

Special Tax Considerations for When You Retire Many people believe that once they retire, they will pay less in taxes due to a lower income.…

The Additional Child Tax Credit

A Refundable Tax Credit for ParentsIf you have children, you may be able to lower your tax bill by claiming the Child Tax Credit. The…

Tips for Filing a Late Tax Return

File Your Past Due Tax Return to Avoid Further Penalties It is recommended that you file any tax returns that are due, whether or not…

Can You Get an Additional Tax Return Extension?

It goes something like this: Tax season was fast approaching and you just knew you weren’t going to make the deadline to file your return…

Lost IRS Refund Check

Your tax refund is missing. What do you do? First, check the IRS’ “Where's My Refund” online tool to make sure that your tax refund…

Life Events That Can Impact Your Taxes

A change in life circumstances, whether good or bad, can affect your tax return. >> Start Your FREE E-file Here are some instances where you will…

Do You Need a Copy of a Past Tax Return?

Tax Return Copies & TranscriptsWhen applying for a loan or other financial assistance, you will likely be asked to provide copies of your tax returns…

The Additional Medicare Tax

What You Need to Know The Additional Medicare Tax was implemented in late 2013 as part of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Starting in tax…