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Job and Business

How Do Income Taxes Work?

Taxes, agh! Who likes them? Well, certainly not paying them, but taxes (as hard as it is to believe sometimes) do play a big role…

2 tax benefits self-employed professionals should know about

Undoubtedly the two biggest benefits of having an employer are health insurance and retirement plans, right? Wrong. Both of these pricey items are covered when…

Most common tax mistakes made by small business owners

Do not let these tax requirements surprise you!   You may look at your small business as a temporary substitute for full-time employment. A lot…

Temporary employee and independent contractor tax issues

How do temp employees file their taxes, and how do you know when you are an independent contractor?   The economy might be improving, but…

How to know if your small business qualifies for the “small seller exception” in Marketplace Fairness

Here's what to do if it passes. If passed, as is, the Marketplace Fairness Act will exempt small sellers from state sales tax. I take…

Small business owners favor tax reform to reduce complexity

Complexity and inconsistency within the tax code continue to be major issues for small business owners. According to a survey conducted by the National Small…

How to estimate where you stand on income tax withholding

You do not want to use the IRS like a bank account. Believe me, the money withheld from your paycheck would be better spent elsewhere…

Why is my SECA Tax more than my friend’s FICA Tax?

What is SECA, why I pay more for Social Security, and how is that even fair   You may have noticed the remarkably high self-employment…