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Income Taxes

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Who Qualifies for the Earned Income Credit? The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) was created to help low-income workers, self-employed individuals, and their families. The Earned…

7 Best Practices To Prepare Your Business For Tax Time

You may barely be over the winter holidays, but tax season is fast approaching with the ferocity of a winter storm. If you are like…

How To Find AGI on Your Tax Return to E-File

Year after year, you collect a great amount of data and report it to the IRS, but what happens when you need to find one…

Information About Online Payment Agreements

How to Set Up an IRS Payment Plan If you owe more taxes than you can afford to pay right now, the IRS offers payment…

Information About Employer Identification Numbers (EINs)

IRS Requirements & How to Apply for an EIN An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a 9-digit number issued by the IRS for the purposes…

What Is Estimated Tax & Who Does It Apply To?

Understanding the IRS Requirements for Estimated Taxes Everyone must pay taxes on the income they receive during the year, whether it is from a job,…

Tax Tips To Report Your Hobby Income

Is your favorite pastime classified as a business or a hobby? Here’s how the IRS sees it. Millions of people enjoy having hobbies — whether…

Business Taxes: Important Due Dates

In general, all businesses operating in the U.S. are required to report their activities to the IRS by filing annual tax returns. The due date…