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Income Taxes


If You Have No Income, Can You Get a Tax Refund?

Believe it or not, you can qualify for a tax refund and actually receive it even if you have no income to speak of (at…


What Is Taxable Income?

As you know, U.S. citizens are subject to taxes based on their annual income. There are, however, distinct definitions of what “income” is under federal…


Powerball After Taxes: How Much Will The IRS Take?

Lottery Winnings After Taxes: How Much Do You Have To Pay? Key points in this article: The federal government taxes all lottery prizes over $5,000…


How Are Bonuses Taxed? A Quick Explanation

Are Bonuses Taxed Higher Than Your Wages? A Quick Explanation Key takeaways in this articles: The IRS considers any form of additional compensation to your…


Do You Have to Pay Taxes? Yes, You Do. And Not Just Because the Law Says So.

Sure, paying taxes doesn't feel patriotic. But it is. Yes, you do have to pay taxes. The law mandates the payment of federal income taxes…


Combat Pay: When It’s Tax-free, When It’s Not and What the IRS Needs to Know for Your Tax Returns

The irony of tax-free pay is how much paperwork is involved. Combat pay is a special type of income that is granted to military personnel…


File a Business Tax Extension Online

Business Taxes Are Due Tuesday, March 15, 2016   The IRS allows both individuals and businesses to file for a tax extension, which gives you…


Marginal Income Tax Brackets

Marginal Tax Rates & Tax Brackets You’ve probably heard (and used) the term “marginal tax rate” many times in the past, but what does it…