Capital Gains Tax

Capital Gains and Income: Are You Ready to Realize How Your Gains Affect Your Taxes?
Did you realize this about your capital gains? Are Capital Gains Considered Income? Capital gains are profits earned from the sale of capital assets like…
Capital Gains Taxes and the Key Inside the 28% Rate Gain Worksheet
What is the 28% Rate Gain Worksheet? The capital gains tax is a tax on profits from selling a capital asset. It applies to a…
How to avoid Federal taxes on short sales and other debt settlements
Generally speaking, whenever you settle a debt for less than you owed, the difference counts as income – taxable income. A short sale is a…
Tax tips for the end of the year
While you may be focused on hunting holiday presents, this is the time of year when you need to be thinking about the April 15…
5 Myths About Capital Gains Tax
If you believe any of the myths surrounding capital gains tax and how it affects you, there is a good chance that you will include…