How to file tax extensions in Louisiana
The income tax returns for residents of the Bayou State are due by May 15. Lucky you, you've got almost a month on everyone else!
However, if you cannot file on time, the state of Louisiana may grant you a six-month extension of time to file your return. Tax extensions can be requested online with the Louisiana Department of Revenue — and requests must be made by the original filing deadline (May 15).
Remember that a tax extension only extends the time you have to file your return, and any tax due must still be paid by the original filing due date. Payments for Louisiana income tax must be submitted by May 15 to avoid penalties and interest charges, so mark your calendar.
You can make a state tax payment with Louisiana Tax Form R-2868 (Application for Extension of Time to File). This form should only be used by taxpayers who have filed their extension request electronically (online) and are not required to make payments via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
It is important to note that Form R-2868 is a voucher — it's not an application to request a state tax extension. If you only file Form R-2868 (with payment) you will not get an extension. You must submit a tax extension request online with the Louisiana Department of Revenue in order to get a filing extension.
Mail Form R-4868 with payment to:
Louisiana Department of Revenue, PO Box 751, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-0751
Here are some online resources for residents of The Bayou State:
>> The following is a list that we've compiled of tax extension rules by states.