How to file tax extensions in Kansas
Sunflower State income tax returns are due by April 15 (for calendar year filers). If you can't make it by then, you can get an extension of time to file from the Kansas Department of Revenue.
A tax extension means you will have an extra six months to file your state tax return. For those of you following along at home, that means you've got until Oct. 15.
The state of Kansas doesn't have its own separate tax extension request form, so that's one less piece of paperwork you need to fill out.
However, if you've gotten a federal tax extension (IRS Tax Form 4868), the Kansas Department of Revenue will automatically grant you an extension for your state tax return. In this case, there's no need to file anything with Kansas unless you owe state income tax. To pay your state tax liability, file Kansas Tax Form K-40V (Kansas Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher) by the original filing deadline.
If you don't have a federal tax extension and you want to get a state one, you do not need to file a request with Kansas unless you owe state income tax. Use Form K-40V to make your tax extension payment. Additionally, keep in mind that if you are due a Kansas tax refund, you don't need to file anything to get a state tax extension.
Remember that an extension of time to file does not extend the time you have to pay any income tax due. You must make a payment for the full amount of your state tax liability to avoid penalties and interest charges.
Mail Form K-40V with payment to:
Kansas Income Tax, Kansas Department of Revenue, 915 SW Harrison Street, Topeka, Kansas 66699-1000
Here are some online resources for residents of The Sunflower State:
>> The following is a list that we've compiled of tax extension rules by states.