How to file tax extensions in Idaho
If you can't make the filing deadline (that's April 15, kids), the state of Idaho will grant you an automatic six-month tax extension.
However, keep in mind that your state tax return must be filed by Oct. 15 in order to qualify for the automatic extension.
And remember that a tax extension doesn't actually extend the amount of time you have to pay your state income tax. You are required to pay at least 80 percent of your current year’s state income tax liability (or 100 percent of the income tax reported on last year’s state return, if one was filed) to avoid penalties or interest charges.
To get a state tax extension and avoid incurring late fees, file Idaho Tax Form 51 (Estimated Payment of Idaho Individual Income Tax) with the Idaho State Tax Commission. Use this form only if you need to make a tax payment.
Mail Form 51 with payment to:
Idaho State Tax Commission, PO Box 83784, Boise, ID 83707-3784
Here are some online resources for residents of the Gem State:
>> The following is a list that we've compiled of tax extension rules by states.