How to file tax extensions in Arkansas
If you were approved for a federal income tax extension, Arkansas automatically grants you a six-month state income tax extension. However, if you need to make a payment for state taxes owed, you will need to submit that with Arkansas Tax Form AR1000ES by the original filing deadline.
Form AR1000ES includes “Voucher 5” for making a payment with your tax extension. However, Voucher 5 must be submitted with your payment and a copy of your federal tax extension, IRS Tax Form 4868.
If you did not file a federal income tax return, you can file the Arkansas state tax extension form by itself.
Here are some online resources for Arkansas residents:
- Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration website.
- File your personal income tax extension online.
>> We’ve compiled a list of where to go for each state if you need a little bit more time on your taxes.