State Refund
Check the Status of Your State Refund Online
Individuals in most states are required to file a state income tax return in addition to their federal return. Only Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming do not have a state individual income tax, so filing a state tax return is not necessary.
If you have a federal tax refund coming from the IRS, it is easy to check the status through the IRS website using the Where’s My Refund tool. The majority of states also have a similar option to check the status of your state tax refund on their state government website.
In most cases, you can check your state tax refund status through the Department of Revenue website for your state. If you still haven’t received your state refund and you want to know if it has been processed or when you can expect it, use the appropriate link below for your state refund information. Most states have a Where’s My Refund tool or a link to “Check my refund status” on the website that will give you an up-to-date status on your state refund.
You will need to provide some information in order to check your state refund status online, although it varies by state. Some states only require your Social Security Number and the amount of your expected refund; other states require your filing status, birthdate, and ZIP code as well. In most cases, you will need to enter the amount of your state refund in order to access its status, so make sure to have your state tax return information on-hand when you use the online tool.
Here are all the state refund links (listed in alphabetical order):
Massachusetts (Account registration required to check refund status online)
New Hampshire (There is no online tool for tax refund status on the New Hampshire’s Department of Revenue website. Call 603-230-5920 for information.)
Tennessee (This state does not provide an online refund status tool. For information, call 800-342-1003 if within the state. From outside the state, call 615-253-0600.)
Keep in mind that most states take at least 4-6 weeks to process tax returns after they receive them, whether electronically or through the mail. In states such as Illinois, extra precautions to protect taxpayers from identify theft have made the process longer than in the past. You can use the available options to check your state refund status, but expect to wait at least 4 weeks after e-filing (or longer if you file your return through the mail) to receive your state income tax refund.
RELATED: Maximize Your Tax Refund the Smart Way (Infographic)