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Coming clean on your taxes

It goes without saying that you should file your tax returns each year and pay what you owe. But if you mess up, there are…

What to do if the IRS challenges your tax returns

When I get a letter from the IRS — and yes, it’s happened — I get a chill. Am I in trouble? Did I miss a deadline or overlook…

A tax strategy for all seasons

Just when you may have thought that federal tax policy was set - that January's "fiscal cliff" deal meant you could go about your financial…

Money Coach: Do you suffer from taxpayer anxiety disorder?

Are you happy and relieved that April 15 has come and gone? I am! I love tax day, but that wasn’t always true for me.…

How can I get ready for next year’s tax season?

Every year during tax season, we would get urgent calls from clients who are about to go meet their accountants or who are already sitting…

Can I get an extension on my tax return?

You can file for an extension on any ground you like. All it takes is filling in Form 4868  to extend the deadline to Oct.…

LLC Tax Extension

If you don’t think that you’ll be able to prepare your business tax return and gather the necessary documents on time, consider requesting a tax…

You can deduct your job-seeking expenses

NEW YORK (MainStreet) — Were you unemployed in 2012 and looking for work? If you itemize, you can deduct job search expenses to look for…