Your Personal Income Tax Return Starts With the 1040 Form
There are a lot of these form 1040 pages! However, it's the main form for everyone's tax return, from Bond villains to Disney princesses. Form…
How Do Income Taxes Work?
Taxes, agh! Who likes them? Well, certainly not paying them, but taxes (as hard as it is to believe sometimes) do play a big role…
Will a new law for IRS tax fraud protection reduce identity theft?
On April 9, Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) sponsored the Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Prevention Act of 2013, which aims to mitigate tax fraud in…
Understanding the Coverdell education savings plan
In the race for class president, these days Coverdell ESAs are the runner-up next to the increasingly popular 529 plan. But the race for class…
Tax advantages of a 529 college-savings plan
Make the right investment decision to finance your children's higher education.Considering the rising cost of education, the earlier you start your college savings plan, the…
7 recent tax fraud schemes used by identity thieves
As we increasingly rely on E-filing tax returns, we increase the efficiency of IRS operations and our convenience. We also strip away some crucial layers…
2 tax benefits self-employed professionals should know about
Undoubtedly the two biggest benefits of having an employer are health insurance and retirement plans, right? Wrong. Both of these pricey items are covered when…
Where’s My State Refund
State Tax Refund Websites, Phone Numbers, & Addresses Wondering when your state tax refund will arrive? Just find your state on this list and follow…