
2021 Federal Income Tax Rates, Brackets, & Standard Deduction Amounts
IRS Tax Tables & Deduction Amounts for Tax Year 2021 This article gives you the tax rates and related numbers that you will need to…
Tax Deductions
How These Tax Breaks Can Lower Your IRS Bill Tax deductions are a type of tax break that helps reduce your income tax balance. They…
IRS Announces Taxpayer Relief Initiative to Help People Struggling with Tax Debts
New Tax Relief for People Experiencing COVID-19-Related Financial Difficulties “At the IRS, we recognize these are challenging times for everyone, and we understand that many…
IRS Sets “National EIP Registration Day” To Help Non-Filers Get Stimulus Checks
Register on the IRS Website for Your Economic Impact Payment (EIP) The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (a.k.a. CARES Act) was signed into…
IRS Mails Letters About COVID-19 Stimulus Checks
State-By-State Breakdown of Non-Filers Who Will Receive IRS Letters About Economic Impact Payments The IRS has released a state-by-state breakdown of the nearly 9 million…
Tax Relief for Hurricane Victims & Other Extended Due Dates
The IRS recently announced, “Victims of Hurricane Sally that began on September 14 now have until January 15, 2021 to file various individual and business…
October 15 Tax Extension Deadline Approaches
Tax Extension Filers: Your 2019 Tax Return Is Due By October 15, 2020 This is an important reminder for taxpayers who filed an extension. If…
Tax Deductions For Medical Expenses & Health Insurance
Federal Tax Breaks to Help With the Costs of Medical Care & Health Insurance Premiums The cost of health insurance and medical expenses can be…