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Investments Come and Go, but Form 8949 Remains a Crucial Part of Your Tax Returns

Here's another one for the books: Form 8949 Form 8949 is for reporting capital gains and losses from the sale of assets. This includes both…

How to Make Sure You Get All Your Stimulus Money, Using Form 6475

Well, this could be a fun letter to get! Form 6475 is an important document for taxpayers who have invested in renewable energy systems. The…

Found IRS Code 570 on Your IRS Transcript? Here’s What Not to Do

If you hear about Code 570, always follow the Hitchhiker’s Guide… “Don’t Panic!” Chances are that anyone who’s been counting on their tax refund to…

Can I Deduct My 529 Contributions on My Federal Tax Returns?

Definition of 529 Contributions I think I might start a 529 just for the tax benefit! A 529 plan is an educational savings plan that…

How Old Do I Have to Be to Withdraw Funds from my 401k?

59 and a half is gonna be a big year! Or will it be? A 401k is an employer-sponsored retirement account that allows employees to…

Required Reading for Anyone Worried About Their 401k RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions)

What Is a Required Minimum Distribution? The dreaded RMD of 401ks. A 401k is an employer-sponsored retirement account that allows employees to save for their…

Power of Attorney and When to Use Form 2848 With the IRS

I didn't realize there was a form for this! The 2848 form is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) document used to authorize a third party…

Get to Know Form 1099, How Independent Contractors Talk to the IRS

Form 1099 is a tax form used to report income from independent contractors. It is sent to the contractor by the client and also to…