is not affiliated with any government agencies



What Was EIP 3? The Ups, Downs and Direct Payments of the Economic Impact Payment 3

EIP 3, also known as the Free Parking space on the Monopoly board. EIP 3, also known as the third round of Economic Impact Payments,…

Reporting Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans With US Tax Form 5329

Break the rules on your 401k? This form is how you tell the IRS "I'll pay the penalty but I'm not trying to break the…

U.S. Tax Form 56 and Fiduciary Relationship Concerns: Does This Matter Concern You?

A tax form with just two numbers? Not a cause for concern. U.S. Tax Form 56, also known as Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship, is a…

Instructions For the W-2 Form: U.S. Wage and Tax Statement

The W-2 Form (AKA Wage and Tax Statement) is how you, as an employee, report your income for the previous tax year, along with all…

The Basics of the Foreign Tax Credit: What It’s For, How to Claim It, and What Else an Expat Needs to Know

This is the the part of Eat, Pray, Love Julia Roberts didn’t show you. Like she was made to live in a faux-inspirational Hallmark movie,…

Explain Form 2439: When Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains Are Good News for Shareholders

Every 1099-DIV means you owe some new taxes. Well, this is the opposite. If you sell an asset you've held for a year or two,…

Completing IRS Form 433D for Your Direct Debit Installment Agreement

A form for direct debit. Does the IRS have a form for taking Apple Pay? If you are a self-employed individual or a business owner…

What Is Form 2210? The Underpayment Penalty And Who Must File It

They're not called "Guessimated" Tax Payments for a reason. Check your tax math! If you find yourself owing taxes when you file your tax returns,…