Where’s My State Tax Refund?
Are you expecting a tax refund from the state? From the moment you file, you'll probably be asking, 'where's my refund?' If you pay more…
“Where’s My Refund” Resources
After you file your federal tax return, you may find yourself asking this question: 'where's my refund?' If you are like most taxpayers, you want…
How to Solve the “Where’s My Refund?” Question
Every year, millions of taxpayers start to ask 'Where's my refund?' Often times, people try to find out where their refund is before the IRS…
“Where’s my refund?” Basics
After you file your tax return you may find yourself asking one very important question: Where’s my refund? If you are like most people, the…
Tax Resources
Important tax tools and resources to help you deal with tax returns, tax forms, tax debt and tax refunds. Topics include Contact the IRS, Government…
How Do I Have to Claim My Child as a Dependent?
As a parent, claiming your child as a dependent can help you save money on your taxes. However, the process of claiming your child as…
Avoid an IRS Audit
Individuals should follow these tips to avoid an audit from the IRS, particularly if you are self-employed. Did you know that the IRS keeps a…