
The Property Appraisal and Taxation Process
The property appraisal process is similar from state to state; however, reassessment timeframes can vary. Some states reassess property every year, some states reassess even…
Property taxes
Property taxes are the primary source of revenue for local governments in the United States. The money collected from property taxes provides funds for fire…
How Job Loss Can Affect Your Income Taxes
How does losing your job affect your income tax? The first and most obvious answer is that, unless you obtain a new job or source…
Income Taxes for the Self-Employed
You are considered to be self-employed if you engage in a trade or business as a sole-proprietor or an independent contractor. Some examples would be…
Understanding the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) was originally established to target the wealthiest of taxpayers and was called the 'Millionaire's Tax.' Established in 1969 (as the…
Tax Deductions For Education
Lower Your Taxable Income With These Deductions Did you know that there are tax deductions for education? In other words, you could save money on…
Tax Deductions for Mortgage Points
Many homebuyers and homeowners take advantage of the federal tax deduction for mortgage points.Mortgage points refer to certain charges that are paid to attain a…
Tax Deductions for Homeowners
If you own a home there are many income tax deductions that you can take advantage of.There is no denying that you spend a lot…